Social media training

Social media training

Expert guidance to supercharge your social media effectiveness.

Are you ready to take your social media game to the next level? Whether you’re a business owner, a junior marketer, or an aspiring influencer, mastering social media is essential in today’s digital landscape. Our tailored training sessions are designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate and thrive in social media marketing.

Why choose our social media training services?

πŸš€ Hands-on learning: Our interactive training approach ensures you don’t just learn theory – you’ll dive right into practical exercises, real-world examples, and hands-on activities that solidify your understanding.

🎯 Customised content: We understand that every individual and business is unique. Our training is tailored to your goals, industry, and skill level, ensuring you get the most relevant and practical insights.

πŸ’‘ Expert guidance: Our seasoned social media experts bring years of industry experience. You’ll benefit from their proven strategies, tips, and tricks that can only come from being in the trenches.

πŸ“ˆ Measurable results: Whether you want to increase engagement, drive traffic, or boost conversions, our training equips you with the tools to measure your success and adapt your strategies for continuous improvement.

Our training packages:

πŸ•’ Half-day training (3 Hours) – Β£450 

Perfect for those seeking a quick yet comprehensive understanding of social media essentials. You’ll cover fundamental concepts, platform-specific strategies, content creation tips, and more.

πŸ•’ Full-day training (6 Hours) – Β£675

A deeper dive – As well as topics covered in the half-day session, you’ll explore advanced tactics, analytics interpretation, campaign optimisation, and crafting a winning social media strategy.

Our prices cover individual training sessions. For teams, it’s Β£100 extra per person. You can have the training in person at your place or virtually. If your business is outside Greater Manchester and would prefer in-person training, there may be extra travel costs.

What you’ll learn:

  • Platform mastery: From Facebook and Instagram to X (Formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and beyond, you’ll unlock the secrets of each major platform to reach your target audience effectively.
  • Content strategy: Learn how to curate, create, and share compelling content that resonates with your audience and builds brand loyalty.
  • Engagement techniques: Discover engagement strategies that foster meaningful interactions, customer loyalty, and a community around your brand.
  • Analytics interpretation: Understand the metrics that matter and how to analyse them to refine your social media approach.

Ready to elevate your social media presence?

Invest in yourself or your team and watch your social media efforts flourish. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, our training sessions provide the guidance and expertise you need to succeed in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your social media game. Book your training session below. Your journey to social media mastery starts here!